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A powerful golf swing requires explosive trunk rotation and flexibility in the shoulders, hips and spine. While many professional athletes are doing Pilates, golfers gravitate to it the fastest. Due mainly to the fact that Pilates training improves many of the same areas needed to become a good golfer such as overall core strength, increased stamina, flexibility (especially in the hips) range of motion, strong abs, lower back, glutes and pelvis, all of which results in more yards on the course, lower handicaps, and the ability to play more rounds of golf with less risk of injury.

A golfer as well as any athlete needs to create power over and over again and the only way to achieve that is through a well developed core. Strong abdominals, lower back, glutes and pelvic floor muscles will ensure that you will not lose steam before hitting the clubhouse.

Include Pilates in your fitness/physical development; see and feel the difference it can make in your game, whether it is golf, tennis, baseball or football.